This prophetic training ground through the Prophetic Institute is very detailed and specific and offers in-depth teaching and training. We teach you how to sharpen your hearing, as well as teach you what's required to be sensitive to the Spirit and empower you to move out in boldness. It isn't geared to teach you how to prophesy nor how to be a Prophet, for the Spirit of the Lord does or should have already done that.

Our goal is to develop, impart and mentor those who are called to any aspect of the ministry, and especially targets those who are called to or desire a deeper understanding of the Apostolic and Prophetic office. The various levels of Apostolic and Prophetic ministry are thoroughly reviewed in order to bring clarity and definition that not everyone is called to the office of the Prophet but we all are called to be prophetic.

Each saint is activated and trained in the prophetic ministry. Though we understand that not all are called to be “prophets,” the Word says that we are to covet to prophesy (1 Cor 14:39). The actual “activation” and “training” involves not only a biblical understanding of prophecy but also there is a prophetic release and impartation to prophesy. The Institute is also designed to express the importance of Godly character, accountability and biblical maturity as saints move forward in their gifts and talents.

There are four levels of PROPHETIC MINISTRY that are widely used and excepted throughout Apostolic and Prophetic Ministries today. We will explore each to find which category YOU fall under and then go from there.

Simple Prophecy
A simple prophesy is when any believer speaks something God has brought to mind. This is usually done within the scope of comfort, encouragement and exhortation. It does not include new direction, correction or predictions.

Prophetic Gifting
Believers who regularly receive dreams, visions, impressions or other type revelations are prophetic gifting. Also believers are able to minister in prophetic utterances at times. These believers go beyond simple prophesy and are able to give directives and predictions at times.

Prophetic Ministry (Presbytery)
Believers whose gifting has been recognized, nurtured and commissioned for regular ministry in the local church are in prophetic ministry. God sometimes uses people who are established in leadership in the Church to minister together prophetically as a team. This type of ministry typically involves the laying on of hands. The reason it is called "presbytery" is because it is performed by those who meet the qualifications of presbyter (elder, or overseer) in the Church.

Prophetic Office
The ministry of the prophet is not a gift of the Holy Spirit, available to all believers. It is an office that Jesus put in place, an extension of His government over His Church. The Office of the Prophet is one of five headship ministries (the five-fold ministry) (Eph. 2:20; 4:11; 1 Cor. 12:28; Acts 13:1). Those called to the office of prophet function in all the ministries of Old Testament prophets, as well as being granted (from the New Testament) standing in the role of Jesus, the Prophet. Therefore, their prophecies touch on areas of guidance, instruction, rebuke, judgment, and revelation - in other words, whatever Jesus chooses to speak for the purifying and perfecting of His Church.

* Apostolic Office classes are offered as well. Please see Adminstrator for these classes.

See Catalog for Full Details

My heart is full in this hour for the people of God. As both an Apostle and Prophet I have been a witness to extreme prophetic abuse. Those that have called themselves Apostles and Prophets or have operated in the prophetic realm have scarred the Church with doctrines of demons. Most have operated in the occult realm passing it off as the work of the Holy Spirit.

If you are one that is seriously seeking the heart of God then this is the place for you.

If you want to operate from the heart of God, the mind of Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit then this is the place for you.

If you are wanting fellowship with the Father above all else then this is the place for you.

If you are ready to DIE to Self then this is the place for you.

This is not the place for you to polish up on your prophetic gifting so that YOU can shine with parlor tricks to impress the brethren.

This is a place for those that are serious about ministering to the needs of others and pointing them back to the Father.

With that being said I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you personally to this Website. I extend an invitation to you to come and go with me to hear what the Father is saying in this hour.

For I hear the Word of  the Lord saying:

He is looking for a people to display His Glory through  here on earth. A Kingdom people who will utter and do His Will. Ones that will lay down their lives for the sake of  His Own. God’s Will is already established in Heaven. We are to pray that His Will and purpose be done here in the earth.

I challenge you to obey the Call:

For the Winds of God’s Spirit  is once again blowing upon His people. Open your ears  to hear what the Almighty is saying to you this day.

AWAKEN out of your slumber and SHAKE yourself !

For it is time to put on your battle garments and ready yourself for war. The Lion of Judah is gathering together a mighty army ready for the battle, and they will walk together as ONE.

One People, One Nation, One Body, and One Voice in the Lord. They shall speak the same thing in love and in the  demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost. They shall speak as the mouthpiece of God.   

Mighty, Powerful and Holy shall they be, for they shall display the uncompromised Word of the Lord.

  Dr. Candace House CEd.M, Ph.D., PsyD., D.D.   Pres/Founder

  Dr. Anthony House MBA, D.D.   
  Chief Financial Officer

  Dr. Angela Williams MBA, Ph.D.
  Academic Dean

  Dr. Sean Strachan Ed.M., Ed.D.         
  Dean of Advisement

  Prophetess Lisa Darrell  MBA 
  Director of Administration

  Prophetess Petal Floyd BSN

  Dr. Milton Mosby D.D.
  Apostolic Covering

".........And he declared to them how he had seen the Lord on the road, and that He had spoken to him,....." Acts 9:27